college, Recipes

Healthy Sweet Potato Fries

I made some sweet potato fries randomly the other day. I was experimenting with some spices and made the best sweet potato fries I ever made! I posted a  recipe a while back but this recipe right here is by far the best! Here it is!fries


3 Large Sweet Potatoes    Olive Oil   Cayenne Pepper

Paprika    Sea Salt   Black Pepper

IMG_4320Instructions: Preheat the oven at 400 degrees. While the oven is heating up, cut the fries into a  fry like shape. Make sure they are all about the same size so that they will bake at the same rate (also make sure they are not too thick or they might not bake through fully.) Once they are all cut into their fry like shape, place them all into a bowl. Then drizzle about 4 tablespoons of olive oil on the slices until they are fully glossed with the oil. Then add the sea salt, black pepper, cayenne pepper and paprika to taste. Toss around the fries so that the seasoning is spread evenly on each fry. Spray your pans with olive oil and the place the fries on the pan side by side, making sure they don’t overlap. Next you’ll put the fries in the oven and let them bake for 15 minutes. After the 15 minutes are up you’ll take the pan of fries out the oven and then flip them. Once flipped leave them in for 10 to 15 more minutes. Finally take them out, let them cool and eat!

Hope you like.

-Fitty Fattys


Zucchini Spaghetti Recipe

zzzzzI’ve been wanting to try a zucchini spaghetti dish for some time now, but to my surprise I couldn’t find a recipe that fit into my dietary needs. I try not to eat much meat or consume too much sodium so it was hard to find a healthy recipe that fit into those compounds. I searched and searched the internet, but found nothing. So I decided to text my significant other’s mother and asked her if she had a spaghetti sauce recipe (and of course she did.) I took the basis of her recipe and added a few ingredients. It was delicious. I mean REALLY good. When I was cooking my little brother put on his skeptical face, however when he tasted it he said “this was realllly good.”

So kid approved!

Spaghetti Ingredients:

3 medium sized zucchinis   Olive oil   Sea Salt   Cracked Pepper

Tomato Sauce:

8 to 10 ounces of sodium free tomato sauce

 Onions   Garlic   Garlic Salt   Parsley

Oregano   Basil    Olive Oil   Zucchini Slices

Mushrooms   Chopped Tomatoes



Make zucchini spaghetti by using a veggie slicer. Once all three zucchinis are in spaghetti form sauté the zucchini on low heat with olive oil. Sprinkle a bit of sea salt, black pepper and garlic.

Sauté chopped onions, garlic, parsley, oregano and a little basil in olive oil then throw in your can of sodium free tomato sauce and 1 fresh chopped tomato. Let the mixture simmer than add sea salt and garlic salt to taste. Finally throw in some mushrooms and sliced zucchini into the mix and let it simmer a bit more.

Once your finish put your chunky tomato sauce on the zucchini spaghetti and eat! It will be spicy, but DANG good.

-Fitty Fattys

Be sure to follow the Fitty Fatty’s Twitter, Instagram & Facebook.

college, Juicing, Recipes

Infused Water Recipes

I recently started infusing fruits, herbs and veggies into my water. I looked up some recipes and tried about 6 or 7 of them. They are refreshing, but not all of them were delicious. So I decided to share 3 of my favorite infused water recipes with you all. But first check out some of the awesome benefits infused water has below.



  • Infused Water helps  prevent headaches, helps clear digestive problems, aids in heartburn prevention, aids in blood sugar regulation, aids in fat loss (due to appetite control) and helps relieve joint pain.
  • Infusing your water with fruits, herbs, and veggies  improves flavor AND adds essential vitamins to your daily diet.

#1- Lemon & Mint

#2- Slightly smashed Blueberries, Strawberries & Lemons

#3- Green Tea, Lemon & Mint

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Breakfast, college, Food, Recipes

3 Ingredient Banana Bread

Yup, it’s true.

Yes, I’ve got a recipe for you.

Did I mention it’s vegan too?

Yup this is certainly a dream come true.


OK OK, enough of the poetry (it was fun though). Here’s a easy banana bread recipe. It’ll be quick.

You need:

Three ripe bananas, 2 cups of oat flour, and one cup of plant based milk.


Add all the above ingredients and stir until there is a smooth consistency.

Pour mixture into a greased pan and bake.

I put the oven on bake at 180 for 30 minutes, but it wasn’t done so I put it on 360 for 10 more minutes, then back to `180 for 15 minutes. Needless to say, I was experimenting. Soooo… yeah sorry. However, after leaving it out to cool for 30 minutes it was even more delish!

I also added:

honey   walnuts   cinnamon

vanilla extract        nutmeg

Just incase you wanted to get fancy with it.

See, simple.

-Fitty Fattys

college, God, Inspiration, Truth

Reach Your Goals.

Hello beautiful people. I went to a youth adult ministry yesterday (mind you, I haven’t been to church and quite a while). And there were only 7 of us there, so we decided to have an intimate conversation. We talked about prayer, travels and aspirations. All good things. However there was one message that stuck out to me the most. As we were conversing about our goals and the way we differ from society. There was one thing that has helped most of us reach former goals and dreams. And that is writing.There was one girl that talked about traveling and we asked her “well where do you want to go?” LOL This girl pulled out a journal full of notes and research about the different countries she plans to go to and how she was going to get there. That’s when we all realized how important writing your dreams, visions and goals down really are.


Habakkuk 2:2

And the LORD answered me, and said, Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it.

Think about it. How many times have you thought about an amazing idea ( I mean an idea that really pulled a chord in you), but then forgot it? Sometimes that feeling, that chord that is struck, is a message from God. You never want to lose that. Write it down.  Today, as I was looking for a place to write down my short and long term goals I came across my old journal. Out of extreme curiosity you know I had to read it. I wrote letters to God, praying for great things to come to pass. And you know what, they happened with out me even realizing it. So you see there is power with what you write, even if your like me and come back to it years later. So I encourage you today to write down you goals and visions and make a plan for your life… Don’t be afraid to ask God for what you want, because believe me He got you. That’s our daddy!

So write down your goals. You want to lose weight? Write down your goal weight. You want to eat right? Create a clean eating chart. Shoot write down what you eat.  Want to get toned? Write out a plan to do just that! You can do it. Just do it! But seriously any vision you have for your life, write it down, make a plan and do it! This may be your time, and you won’t want to miss it. Sure it might come back around, by why wait if it’s meant for you now?

 -Fitty Fattys

college, Food, Tips

Cutest Healthy Snacks Ever!

Throwing a party, packing lunches for the kids or just feel like being a little creative? Well then try these cute healthy snack ideas! There were just so many cute ideas surfacing the internet that I just had to share with you guys. Click on the pictures to take you to the original websites (most of them are no brainers) . Will definitely be using some of these recipes for my up and coming juicing party!


Peanut Butter & Granola Topped Apples


Peanut Butter and Banana Bears


Fruit & Cheese Kabobs


Almond Butter Grape Sandwiches


Cucumber Feta Rolls


Yogurt & Fruit N’ Nut Bark


Assorted Fruit Pops


Watermelon Cake

college, Inspiration, Tips, Truth

Boost Your Metabolism


Yes, we all know them. Those people who stuff pizza, ice cream and fried chicken down their mouths, and yet still maintain that slim physique. Damn them and their high metabolism. I know. I say, don’t worry about them and start focusing on YOU. Stop blaming your genetics for your slow metabolism. Although  genetics do play a role on the rate of your metabolism, there are still ways to boost your metabolism. So, no excuses ladies and gentlemen.

By definition the metabolism is the “rate at which the body burns calories” and the “process by which the body breaks down food and converts that food to energy.” Everybody has an average number of calories that are burned at rest. For some this number could be high for others this number could be low. However, whatever the number might be, there are a few ways to boost your metabolism throughout the day.

w3Gain Muscles: The more muscle mass one has, the more calories they will burn throughout the day. In fact muscle burns 3 times the calories as body fat does. So don’t be scared to lift weights ladies.


IMG_9954Never Skip Breakfast: Having a healthy hearty breakfast within the first two hours of waking up will get your metabolism up and running.

Drink 8-12 Cups of Cold Water: Drinking cold water burns about 30 calories with each cup, and since water is a zero calorie beverage this is basically a win win situation.

Drink Green Tea with Caffeine: Drinking green tea with caffeine spikes your metabolism, but only for a short amount of time. If you constantly drink it throughout out the day the benefits are substantial.

w2Capsaicin Pepper: Adding capsaicin pepper to your meals also boost your metabolism, but like green tea it only boost it for a short amount of time. But hey, what’s the harm in burning some extra amount of calories?

Exercise: Exercising daily keeps you burning calories hours after you’re done with your workout. The best exercises for boosting your metabolism is HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training)

Keep it Cold: When your environment is cold your body has to work to keep your body warm, which burns calories in the process.

Remember you are beautiful no matter what size, shape or form you are! The mission is to get healthy.

-Fitty Fattys


college, Food, Inspiration, Tips, Truth

Overeating Is a Problem

overeatingiOvereating. If you’re a Fitty Fatty like me, you may have this problem too. Almond butter, plantain chips, and popcorn are some of the things I can’t help but overeat. AND IT’S A PROBLEM. I used to think, “hey these things are pretty healthy, it won’t matter if I eat so much.” But newsflash, the calories adds up quick. And the fact is, if you eat more calories than you burn in one day YOU WILL GAIN WEIGHT.

Let me break it down for you. Let’s talk about my beloved plantain chips from my beloved Trader Joe’s. This snack from heaven scored a B- on my Fooducate App, praised for it being minimally processed and a natural good source of Vitamin C. One serving (20 chips) is 140 calories, however there are 6 servings in one small bag. Which means if you eat the whole bag you’ve just ate 840 calories. OMG…………….
And I usually eat the entire bag. SO, here are some tips on how to  combat your overeating once and for all.

1. ALWAYS READ THE SERVING SIZE. Many times  the serving may say 100 calories and you think “OH GREAT” this bag is only 100 calories, when there is really 6 servings in that one bag. So your really eating 600 calories on a freakin’ snack.

2. TAKE OUT THE SERVING SIZE. Once you see the serving size, promptly take out that serving and close the bag. Shoot! Hide that sucker if you need too. You can also use plastic ziplock bags to separate the servings completely, so you can have a easy snack on the go.

3. JUST DON’T BUY SNACKS. It’s hard I know, but instead of buying those addictive snacks (even if they are “healthy”) buy a fruit instead. I’m talkin’ a juicy green apple or sweet mango. Fruits are filling and unprocessed. You can try, but you probably won’t even be able to overeat on fruit.

4. BUY THESE SNACKS INSTEAD. If you totally disregarded the last tip and you made a decision that your still going to buy snacks, at least try these snacks instead. Roasted seaweed, rice cakes, 100 calorie packaged nuts, carrots & hummus, popcorn and one-serving yogurt… I guess the moral of the story is just eat the serving size or buy snacks that only have ONE serving size.

5. COUNT YOUR CALORIES. I didn’t want it to come to this, because I totally despise the idea of counting calories. However, for overeaters this may be the best method. Once you’re actually seeing the calories piling up, you’re not going to want to keep eating. You can use apps like Fooducate or Fitness Pal to calculate it all.

6. DRINK A TON OF WATER. This is a toughie, but drink water constantly throughout the day. If your an overeater drink a cup before you eat, while your eating your meal and after the meal. Your stomach will be so full of water that you won’t even want to eat more. In fact, most people mistake dehydration for hunger.

7. INCORPORATE MORE VEGGIES. There is one food you can always overeat, and that’s veggies! They are so low in calories that it’s almost impossible to really “overeat”. So go crazy with loads of veggies that will keep you well nourished, and hey a little more fruit won’t hurt either. Overall if you’re going to overeat, only overeat your your fruits and veggies. They are tasty too, and most of all good for you!

Signs of Compulsive Overeating from

  • binge eating, or eating uncontrollably even when not physically hungry
  • eating much more rapidly than normal
  • eating alone due to shame and embarrassment
  • feelings of guilt due to overeating
  • preoccupation with body weight
  • depression or mood swings
  • awareness that eating patterns are abnormal
  • history of weight fluctuations
  • withdrawal from activities because of embarrassment about weight
  • history of many different unsuccessful diets
  • eating little in public, but maintaining a high body weight
  • holding the belief that life will be better if they can lose weight
  • hiding food in strange places (closets, cabinets, suitcases, under the bed)
  • vague or secretive eating patterns
  • self-defeating statements after food consumption
  • holding the belief that food is their only friend
  • weight gain
  • loss of sexual desire or promiscuous relations
  • fatigue

Feel free to email me at if you want to talk about health issues or concerns. I’ll do my best to offer the best advice and steer you to the right people for help. Be happy, be healthy, be freakin’ awesome.

-Fitty Fattys

Breakfast, college, Instructional Video, Juicing, smoothies

How to Make Green Juice


Ingredients: Pineapples, green grapes, strawberries, spinach, lemon juice, water and crushed ice.

Honestly you can leave out the strawberries. And I personally think using coconut water instead of water makes it even better.

-Fitty Fattys

college, Food, Inspiration, Tips

5 Tips on How to Drink More Water


Hello friends. If you guys follow the Fitty Fattys Facebook page, I am always reminding you guys to drink your 8 glasses a day. It is so important to drink water for three key reasons:

1.) It aids in fat loss
Why: Because water is a zero calorie drink. Drinking water instead of juice, milk, etc. saves you a lot of empty calories that your body just doesn’t need. It boost your metabolism, which means that your body is constantly burning calories at a higher rate. Check out my post about why you should avoid juices here.

2.) It helps clear out toxins in your body.
Why: Drinking a lot of water makes you pee a lot! Sorry to be so out there, but it’s true. Through your pee is where your toxins release! LOL I say, keep drinking until your pee is clear… and then drink some more.

3.) Increases Energy
Why: The brain is mostly made up of water. So drinking water helps you think, concentrate better and be more alert. Which means that you’ll have more energy to workout! Or maybe just finish some work.

Other benefits of water include: Clearer skin, digestion, headache relief, joint pains etc… I mean the benefits are endless.

Hopefully I’ve convinced all of you to drink more water, but I know it can be hard to remember to do. So here are five ways to incorporate your 8 glasses of water into your daily routine.

GET A FILTERED WATER BOTTLE: Having a filtered water bottle allows you to keep refilling your bottle anywhere. It helps you save money and keeps water on the tip of your hands throughout the day.

1. Right when you wake up drink a glass of water. This will start up your metabolism and keep you energized throughout the day.

2. Drink water with every meal. Breakfast, lunch, dinner and even snack time. Drinking a cup of water with each meal already knocks off 4 cups of water for your day.

3. Have water close by when you’re working out. There is no doubt that you will be scarfing down water when your in the middle of an intense workout.

4. Take your water bottle with you everywhere! Have it on your desk at work, school EVERYWHERE. Humans have this habit of just eating or drinking whatever is close to them. Sip on it throughout the day, even when you’re not thirsty.

5. If your 8 glasses aren’t fulfilled, drink a glass of water before bed. Getting those toxins out before you sleep is always a good idea. You’ll be ready to release the toxins in the morning, I promise.

And if you just can’t stand the taste of water, you can always add lemon & lime slices, cinnamon, mint etc. The point is to just drink up!

If you follow these tips, you will start to see a change in your body, skin, mind and energy. Just do it! If you have any questions about health or fitness leave a comment below and I’ll be sure to get back to you ASAP!

Oh and follow my Instagram for my daily eats @fittyfattys. Be blessed!

-Fitty Fattys

Side Note: During that “time of the month” I have a very bad problem with cramps, constipation and diarrhea. It’s just freaking unbearable, and the only thing that seems to help me is constantly drinking water. Pepto-Bismol has nothing on H20. This is because water helps to produce regular bowel movements. And water also keeps joints lubricated and muscles more elastic, which weakens cramp pains.

Had to save that nasty bit for last. LOL
